Museum / K21

  • Installation view, Lutz Bacher, Cyclops, 2017 and Open the Kimono, 2018, photo credit: Achim Kukulies
  • Installation view, Marcel Broodthaers, Section Publicité du Musée d’Art Moderne, Département des Aigles 1972, photo credit: Achim Kukulies
  • Installation view K21, photo credit: Achim Kukulies
The now renovated K21 is reopened as the museum of contemporary art of the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen. The presentation of the permanent collection in the 2nd and 3rd stories will feature works from the late 1980s onward (Marina Abramović, Paul McCarthy, Katharina Fritsch, Robert Gober, Maria Lassnig, Rosemarie Trockel, Thomas Ruff, Thomas Schütte, Wael Shawky, Ana Torfs, Akram Zaatari and many others).

Following comprehensive restoration, Reinhard Mucha’s pivotal work “Das Deutschlandgerät” (The Germany Device) will be on view again, while the bel etage will be the setting for temporary exhibitions. The 1rst upper storey will become a public space dedicated to immersion and exchange. Among other things, the Dorothee and Konrad Fischer Archive will be installed here on a permanent basis. Still in place below the cupola is Tomás Saraceno’s installation work “in orbit”.

  • Architectural photograph K21, photo credit: Sebastian Drüen
  • Architectural photograph K21, photo credit: Sebastian Drüen
  • Architectural photograph K21, photo credit: Sebastian Drüen

Added in early 2002 as the second main pillar of the Kunstsammlung and accommodating contemporary art was the Ständehaus am Kaiserteich, until 1988 the seat of the Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Four wings with continuous arcades surround the building’s central public area, a spacious plaza. The creative treatment of this representative building in the Historicist style (1876-80) by the Munich architectural office of Kiessler + Partner created a modern museum building with a striking glaze domed roof which shapes the building’s aesthetic and at the same time spans an expansive sculpture garden located on the uppermost level. Together, a flexible hall for temporary exhibitions in the ground floor level and the upper galleries comprise more than 5300 m² of surface area.


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Museum K20