Dancing Mania XR

A social choreography

Dancing Mania, XR version, 2020

The video installation "SocialSim" is Hito Steyerl's newest work and was made for the exhibition "I Will Survive" at K21. Due to the current shutdown, Hito Steyerl adapted a part of her video installation, the social simulation "Dancing Mania", into virtual space. Social simulations are models used by behavioural scientists. Through different parameters, so-called quantified social interactions, prognoses of energy consumption, riots, suicide rates, and rates of infection are made.

Dancing Mania is a simulation, in which an infection from an unknown source as well as its spread is simulated. We do not know, whether the pathogen is an illness, maniac dancing, information overdose or conspiracy theories, however, the mathematics stay the same. Dancing Mania shows the parameters behind the graphics, which influence the everyday life of many people worldwide. The simulation also shows, that through a change of parameters, the spread of let's say conspiracy theories can be stopped. Apart from that, the simulation offers a convincing alternative to Cyberpunk 2077, even though the size of the genitals is not changeable. The immersive VR view allows the player to be in the middle of the event. Perfect for the lockdown and the Advent season.

Pls use a WebXR enabled browser and click and drag to look around. It will take a while to load, just chill and follow progress on the nicely colored line on top.
Navigate using WASD.
VR view will definitely work on Oculus Quest, you can still try different devices but no guarantees. If audio does not come up, check your settings and allow audio. Hit I to infect a random squad member, R to reset and the (plus) button to bring up controls. If you want to dance, just dance!

XR Team: Lucas Gutierrez, Robert Gerdisch, Ayham Ghraowi, Matt Wolf
Avatar: Hito Steyerl